Daniels Talent Solutions is a talent management consulting firm that works with diverse organizations to help them create more equitable practices to recruit, develop, and retain high-achieving talent. Started in 2015, out of the desire to support organizations in ensuring employees felt valued, leaders were developed and processes are efficient and sustainable,  we offer a thoughtful approach to recruitment and professional development.

Our business model is built on trust and competence, offering high engagement along with deep industry knowledge. We partner with you because we work side by side with you understanding your needs and bridging practical solutions to help you achieve success. We also focus on individual career success ensuring individuals get aligned and supported by the right organizations. 

Our Approach

People - Process - Technology

Our approach is based on the PPT framework, from Harold Levitt, which denotes that to achieve successful business operations or change management, 3 key elements must work in harmony. People, Process & Technology.  We have seen organizations struggle because one aspect of these three-strand cords is lacking, missing, or needs attention and the effectiveness or meeting impact is stalled. In all that we do, we strive to help organizations get the right people at the table, with the right processes in place, and ensure any technology support enhances the work.


We help organizations invest in and hire the right people in order to recruit mission-driven individuals to their organizations.


We support organizations in enhancing their processes and policies to ensure they have a lens toward diversity, equity and inclusion and provide systems to ensure their talent can be effectively supported and retained.


We utilize the latest technical efficiencies for our work, and in thought partnership with our clients, help to enhance and make data-driven decisions that move organizations forward. 


To be the leading creator of joyful workspaces.


Helping organizations create diverse and equitable workplaces that foster personal fulfillment and growth for BIPOC professionals so they can thrive in their careers.


  • Integrity

    We uphold unwavering ethical standards, ensuring honesty and trustworthiness in every interaction.

  • Joy

    We infuse passion and positivity into our work, fostering a culture of enthusiasm, satisfaction, and happiness.

  • Excellence

    We are committed to delivering excellence in every aspect of our services, setting high standards and continually striving to surpass them.

  • People Matter

    We believe in the intrinsic value of individuals, respecting diversity and promoting a supportive, inclusive community.

  • Constant Learning

    We embrace a culture of continuous growth, encouraging innovation and development to stay at the forefront of our industry.

Our values are the foundation of our commitment to providing exceptional talent acquisition and coaching services. We are dedicated to enriching lives, fostering success, and making a positive impact in the lives of our clients and partners.


We are committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse community where racism and discrimination have no place. We celebrate the unique backgrounds, perspectives, and talents of every individual and actively work to create an environment free from bias, prejudice, and discrimination.